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Healthy Heart

Course Duration:

Flexible to suit your needs.


Course Location: 

All OH&S Consulting training is performed face to face at your premises or a Training Venue can be arranged (at an additional fee).


Course Intention: 

Heart disease is Australia's greatest health problem. No-one can receive an unconditional guarantee of protection from heart disease, but understanding the risk factors is the first step in tackling the problem. The Healthy Heart program has been designed to assess cardiovascular health and identify risk factors that could predispose workers from
developing heart and blood vessel disease.


All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.


Learning Objectives & Outcomes: 

The objectives for this program are to improve individual health and wellness via a tailored program and workshops. There are two main goals for the implementation of this Health/Lifestyle Program. These are:

  • To identify individuals who are in a high risk category of developing and exhibiting health problems.

  • To encourage and improve the general health and quality of life of employees, leading to improved productivity and less sickness and absenteeism from preventable health problems.


The anticipated outcomes of the program would be:

  • Improved awareness of the preventable cardiac risk factors.

  • Employees have been given the opportunity to find out about their risk factors.

  • Increased motivation to improve those risk factors.


Course Contents: 

This health promotion program is tailored to the needs of the client. Content can include:

  • Individual assessment of employees - The duration of the assessment is envisaged to be approximately 15 minutes.  This involves:

Completing a simple questionnaire. 

Taking 7mls of blood to determine Cholesterol and High Density Lipo-protein         levels. This test will involve fasting from midnight the previous evening, if triglycerides are to be estimated.  Otherwise a cholesterol profile can be evaluated from a non-fasting sample.

Documentation of blood pressure, pulse, weight and height.


The program is voluntary and all results are strictly confidential.


The participants will then receive a `Go for Health Information Pack`. The envisaged turnaround time between assessment and receipt of the Go for Health Information Pack is 3 weeks.  This pack is customised to the participant's health profile and contains the following information:

  • Personalised introductory letter explaining the health risk factors assessed and emphasising that you cannot look at any risk factor in isolation. Risk Factor Analysis Score Sheet.

  • Referral Letter to participant's General Practitioner if results are significantly outside normal ranges.

  • Relevant Risk Factor Information Sheet. These are included if the participant's results are outside of normal range. The sheets describe in detail what the risk factor is, what your individual score was in relation to risk and strategies of reducing the risk factor.


The Risk Factor Information Sheets include:

  • Blood Pressure.

  • Blood Sugar Levels.

  • Cholesterol and your heart.

  • Your Weight and Body Composition.

  • Smoking - What's in it for you to give up.

  • Stress - Making it work for you.


A series of interactive workshops can also be offered to participating employees. These workshops are seen as flow on information sessions following the Assessment Regime. The workshops compliment and reinforce 'new' information received during the assessment and from the 'Go for Health Information Pack' and provide a forum in which further questions can be voiced. Each workshop will be a combination of multimedia presentations, interactive sessions and formal presentations.


Workshop themes can include but are not limited to:

  • Risk Factors - ‘Reducing Your Risks.’

  • Exercise -  ‘Use it or Lose It.’

  • Stress - ‘Making it Work For You.’

  • Workstations and Posture - ‘Tailoring the Fit.’

  • Weight Loss - ‘Achieving Your Goals.’


Program plans are available for perusal for all workshops. They include
learning objectives, expected outcomes and workshop evaluation. OH&S Pty Ltd would be more than happy to discuss each workshop in greater detail if required.


Feedback to the client would consist of a formal report and a presentation of results.  The evaluation of the program would entail:

  • Analysis of services provided against stated methodology.

  • Feedback on the program by participants.

  • Evaluation of workshops by participants for usefulness of concepts, delivery, etc.

  • Graphical representation of key health indicators by age group, gender, work group.

  • Graphical representation of referrals required, number of participants requiring further health management, number of participants who have sought further health management, etc.

  • Areas in the program for improvement, modification and refinement.



Can't find what you're looking for or need more information? 

Click here to send OH&S Consulting an email or call us on 08 9371 0711
or 08 9371 0744 to discuss your needs
Healthy Heart Training provided by OH&S Consulting Perth, Western Australia
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