Safety Management System Development
Management of safety risks should be integrated into a companies business plan and managed in the same manner as any other business risk.
OH&S Consulting can develop and implement a system tailored to your business that will help you achieve the health and safety performance you require.
Our consultants have the advantage of having worked with many such systems and can bring this knowledge and experience in developing best practice safety management systems for other companies, to developing your individual system.
OH&S Consulting develop a framework for occupational safety and health (OSH) management initiatives that will assist organisations in the identification of required strategies, planning for and prioritisation for the implementation of these initiatives. OH&S Consulting use AS 4801 and AS 4804 - Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems as the basis of this framework as it is consistent with the ISO 9000 series and will allow for auditing of the OSH management system.
An OSH management system can be described as a practical attempt to manage real issues and responsibilities with its purpose being systematic control. How this helps an organisation is that it assures the regulator, shareholders, the board, employees and the public that the organisation has defined what it expects to happen and that it has processes in place to ensure that OHS related activities are taking place in a planned and known fashion. The system is dynamic, easily integrated with other management systems and grows with the organisation and its inherent needs.